So now is the time to reflect:
- What do you want to do differently in the new year?
- How can you enrich your life?
We spend the better part of our days at our jobs. We’ve made a career out of our passions and our drive, and we love getting paid to do what we love. So it may be difficult to recognize when our position or company has gone stale or when we’re not being challenged to the fullest of our potential. We may not even know how long we’ve been unhappy at our jobs if we can’t remember when the feelings of dissatisfaction set in. Below are some tips that can help guide you through the realization process. Is it time for you to change jobs?
What Was Once “Passion” is Now “Paycheck”
Where did all the excitement go? Instead of feeling pumped about starting your day, you’re dreading going into the office. You thought it would pass, but months later, you’re still feeling drained and the thought of work makes your stomach turn a little. Don’t hang onto something just because you used to love it. Chances are, either the company has changed or you’ve changed, and a different company or position may be in store for you.
You’re also noticing you’re bringing your work home with you, and not the good parts. You wake up in the middle of the night thinking you forgot to do something. You’re suddenly putting your social life on the back burner to get your extra workload finished, and your friends and family are complaining they don’t see you often. You can only go so long blaming the company and your boss before it’s time to take matters into your own hands. If the negative aspects of your job are creeping into your life outside of work, it may be time to put yourself out there on the market.
Your Molehill of Sacrifices Has Turned into a Mountain
If you love your company and you truly love what you do, then it wouldn’t be a surprise to hear that you’ve made some small sacrifices in order to help your company grow. Perhaps the “bad fiscal year” led to a shortage of raises, maybe your benefits were cut, or maybe you picked up extra work when others were laid off. These sacrifices felt fine at first, they even felt important to you. You’re a good employee, after all. But after the years and the slow progression of the economy, you sit back and add it all up, and it’s a lot. Is it more than you can take? Don’t let your company take advantage of your willingness to help out. Make sure your sacrifices are being addressed and appreciated.
Rumor Has It
You’re hearing rumors of impending doom within your company, and you’re worried the doors will soon be closing for good. Don’t believe everything you hear, but do take note and do some of your own research. Is your company making drastic cuts? Are they suddenly skimping on every little expense? Are you losing clients? Are they making sudden overhauls to your current policies for no explainable reason? Keep your ears and eyes open for any permanent department closures, and start vamping up your resume if you suspect there’s a chance the company is going under.
Your Company Runs on Negative Reinforcement
Do you ever feel like the only way to get noticed at work is to do something wrong? Companies that only speak to their employees to scold them are creating a negative culture with low levels of morale. And the employees can sometimes mimic the employers; it’s not long before you notice that everyone is watching their backs but also monitoring what you do. The truth is: you’re not a number, you’re a person. A person that works hard. So you should be treated as such.
Spring Cleaning
Leaving a comfortable position can make anyone nervous. But sometimes just being comfortable isn’t enough. You spend so much of your time at work, so it’s not too much to ask to have a career that excites you, inspires you, and ignites your passion. Make 2014 the year of positive changes. It’s time to feel again, it’s time to put your energy into a job or a career that shares the same values as you, a company that respects you as an employee.
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