Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Preparing for the Interview

The job market is very competitive and you will not be the only qualified candidate interviewing for a position. However, being prepared for the interview will help you manage the stress of answering questions and will help you make a positive impression on the interviewer. Here are some tips on how you can prepare ahead of time for the big day:

•Do your research on the company beforehand to show the interviewer that you are knowledgeable about the company, its mission, and it employees.
•If the job requires you to relocate, be sure to research the area where the company is located.
•Research Cost-of–Living and Salary comparisons using websites like Salary.com, CNNMoney.com, and Bankrate.com.
•Get directions ahead of time using MapQuest or Google Maps so that you know exactly where you are going and give yourself plenty of time to arrive 15 minutes early.
•Print several nice copies of your Resume to bring with you in case an Interviewer does not have one when interviewing you.
•Bring pen and paper to take notes and write down names.
•Prepare a list of 3 questions about the company or specifics of the job that you would like answered. You will most certainly be asked at some point in the interview if you have any questions. Suggested questions can be found at our website http://dovemgt.net/interview.html
•Prepare a list of 3 Professional References that includes at least 2 Supervisors /Managers and bring with you.

Check out our jobs at www.dovemgt.net and watch for our next Blog: “How to Research a Company Prior to an Interview”.

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